I'm Certified Running Coach Sarah Scozzaro. Let me help you achieve your running goals.

Easy Summer Salad

It has been warming up here in Ohio, and lately I just haven’t been feeling like cooking.  And why should I, with all of the fantastic and fresh food available during the summer that can be mixed together, little or no cooking required?

I found myself getting a tad bored with my usual salad, so I decided to mix it up a bit.  I love savory and sweet together, so I poked around with what I had in my fridge and came up with this plate of deliciousness.  Lite, healthy and easy-peasy!  Welcome summer, indeed!

Peach and feta salad. YUM!

I made this just for me, so everything listed below is based on one serving.  Add more or less depending on how many people you’ll be enjoying this with, or on how hungry you are!

  • Fresh spinach (organic preferred)
  • Sliced red and orange and red bell peppers (1/2 each large, or 2 each of the baby bells)
  • Feta cheese – 1/4 cup or more/less as desired (this salad goes best with a quality feta that has more of a creamy taste rather then on the tangy side.)
  • Red onion slices to taste
  • 1 fresh peach  (It is important that this peach is ripe…you want all of the fresh peach sweetness coming through!)
  • Hard boiled egg (optional)
  • Balsamic vinegar and olive oil to taste

Mix all ingredients and enjoy this fantastic summer salad!

What about you?  Do you like a little sweet and savory with your salad? What are some go to healthy meals you enjoy when you just don’t feel like cooking?

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  1. This looks so yummy!

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