Wow! We are less than 36 hours away from 2016 now; am I the only the only one who feels like 2015 just flew by?
As we approach a new year, what are you most proud of that you accomplished in 2015? What will you look back on these past 52 weeks on with the greatest sense of “Hell yeah, I DID that!” or quiet satisfaction?
For me, this year has held many defining moments. As with any year that we move (thanks to the USAF) I always experience rapid growth, change and – in a way – reinvention. It’s an accelerated period of adjustment, not without many growing pains at times. I once again left everything and everyone I knew and started with a clean slate in a new place. Every PCS is a bit of a new year for me, in a way. And this one was no different.
So, one of my biggest senses of accomplishments is the growth and peace I have found this year. I have been tested, and I like to think I have answered the challenges this move presented me with moxy, sass and an increased awareness of self. And tears and lots of chocolate. Hey, I’m being real.
I also PR’d in a 50 mile race (by 48 mins!) and 100 mile distance by one hour and 41 mins. Both events were satisfying and thrilling and HARD in their one way. 😉

While we can make a fresh start or set a new goal at any time of the year, the new year always seems to bring about a yearning for change and is a natural catalyst for setting new intentions for the coming 365 days (and beyond). I think Winter is a period of introspection and turning inward, the “cocoon before the butterfly” if you well, so that – combined with the eve of a new year approaching – makes for a perfect time to line up one’s desires with action.
So, with that being said…what do you want to make out of 2016? How do you want to define this year? Are you looking to become the strongest runner you’ve been yet? Maybe your goal is to listen better to your body and nurture yourself more with healthy foods and recovery. Or maybe you want to crush that 100 miler, that half marathon, or start a family. The point is, consider this your invitation to envision, intentionalize and then CREATE the year you want to look back on 365 days from tonight, and say “Yes. THAT was the year I wanted to live.”
Recipe of the Day!
Caribbean inspired Black Bean Soup
I’m crazy for soup lately, probably because it is relatively quick, cheap and healthy. Annnnddd it’s just perfect on a cold North Dakota night!
This recipe is spicy, savory and bright due to added notes of citrus. It’s also gluten and dairy free. Enjoy alone, or with fresh cornbread or over rice.
You’ll need:
1 yellow onion, diced
4 cloves garlic, diced
1 ea red and green bell peppers, diced
1 sweet potato, skinned and diced (yep, I am on a total sweet potato kick lately!)
1 tsp each: chipotle chili powder, cinnamon, all spice, and cumin
JUICE of one orange and one lime
3 cans black beans, drained
4 cups veggie broth
salt and pepper to taste
In soup pot, heat oil over med-high heat. Add onions, garlic and peppers. Saute until onions are translucent. Add sweet potato, spices and juices of orange and lime. Cook for 5 mins. Add beans and broth. Bring to a boil and then reduce heat to med-low; simmer for 30-45 mins. Season with salt and pepper as needed. Enjoy!
What are your goals for the new year?