How did Monday creep up on us again already? I can’t even be upset, because today is such a gorgeous Spring day here in my little corner of Ohio. We’ve had the first few days of Spring-like weather lately that gives me hope that the long, cold, dark days of winter are a thing of the past. (For now!) I’ve even been able to bust my pasty white legs out in some shorts, too! (If you see me coming, look out and wear shades, ‘cause I am *pretty* pale right now. You’ve had fair warning)
I hope today finds you enjoying some warmer temps and some sunshine, too!
On to this week’s picks!
First up…my current noshing obsession (and I know I’m not alone on this based on the consumption lately at DSC) is an awesome little pre/post workout snack called Fuel for Fire.
Handy, portable little pouches that contain a mix of fruit and protein, and they are gluten free, contain no added sugars, and have 10 grams of protein. BOOM! They’ve become my go-to food before my early morning runs, and I keep pouches stashed in my car for a quick post run/workout snack. I plan on having a few of these on hand while I wait before the start of the Boston Marathon next month. Flavors include Tropical, Triple Berry, Sweet Potato Apple, and my absolute favorite, Banana Cocoa. My next “favorite(s)”
lately always is my half dome foam roller and my pinky ball.

I’ve been doing a lot of more intense training lately, including hill repeats, and the deep stretch I can get with my calves on the half dome is out. of. this. world. Truly. I’m actually using mine right now as I type. Awww. Can you feel the bliss? The pinky ball is a great way to roll my feet out and find pressure points and perform a little self-myofascial release on my feet throughout the day. Being able to roll out the fascia on the bottom of my feet (coupled with a few Restorative Exercise™ exercises) has kept my feet happy, healthy and (so far!) overuse injury free this season! (I’m looking at YOU Plantar Fasciitis!)
My last pick for this Monday? Asparagus. Why? Because it is in season right now, making it ridiculously cheap in most regions, it’s easy to prepare, healthy, and it’s delish!! (and – BONUS! – if you’re lucky you’ll have asparagus pee! We *all* get it…but, like the cilantro thing where either you like it or you think it tastes like soap, some people can smell their asparagus pee, and some cannot. I’ll leave you guessing as to which camp I’m in ;)) We’ve been eating a ton of asparagus lately (sorry, hubby) and my go to recipe is fast, yummy and healthy!
Turn your oven on to broil. Take a bunch of asparagus (the thinner the stalks, the better) rinse and trip (trick for this is to gently bend the stalks; they should split or snap. Keep the part left with the top, discard the bottom part) Line a cookie tray with foil, arrange asparagus stalks so they for one row. Drizzle with olive oil, sprinkle with salt and pepper (add garlic powder if you desire) and broil for 7-10 mins or so, until asparagus turns a brilliant green. Enjoy with your favorite meal; as a side dish or even tossed with quinoa or pasta.
What about YOU? What are some of your favorite things lately that you’d like to share?